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Our values



While developing our business, we expect our employees to be open (transparent) and honest in all human relations. We believe that relationships without openness and honesty cannot be long-lasting and healthy. Making our Customer-Supplier-Employee relations permanent is only possible with a relationship network based on this basis.


When we have personal problems, we show understanding to each other. With the power of working together we get here, we help our customers at every stage of our work and ensure that the service reaches our customers.


We are trying to produce a service that exceeds customer expectations. With the principle that making mistakes is the first step of the learning process, we encourage our employees to take more initiative and take initiative regardless of the outcome.

Desire and Excitement

We have a team that is excited about the work they do and is always full of desire to succeed. Without desire and excitement, neither can the other. Our experienced employees who have spent years at EMPA become role models in this regard.


From the first day they started working at EMPA, we encourage our employees to take ownership of the business and be willing to learn continuously as if they will one day start their own business with what they have learned from here.


Since its establishment, Empa has always been innovative in terms of both service and product in its sector. It is very important that the service we provide is at a level that will make us stand out from the competition. Therefore, we support the innovative ideas of our employees.